Friday, October 8, 2010

I Just Don't Get It!

My friend just talked to me because she was upset that one of her acquaintances told her he's totally intolerant of gay people. What does that even mean? I just don't get it. How can you be totally intolerant of gay people? Can someone please explain this to me?!

What is there to be intolerant of? Are we really faulting people for the way that they're born? Contrary to unpopular beliefs, this is not a choice. Just as much as heterosexuality is not a choice. I can't choose to be gay just as much as a straight person can't. There is nothing I can do about it, so what are you going to do about it?

Are you going to kill all of us? Well I hope you're ready to have a massacre on your hands. Are you going to institutionalize and imprison all of us? Well then I hope your taxes can fund the restraint of 10% of the population. We're here to stay. So get over it!


  1. well, to be honest taxes are already holding a good portion of the population in jail.
    But I get your point!

    It's so confusing, I have never met someone who could not tolerate GLBT ppl, usually soft bigotry. Darn...

  2. I've been fortunate enough not to encounter much outright bigotry either. I think sometimes that makes me complacent in thinking that things have worked themselves out. I guess these comments show that there is still work out there to do and still lots of rights that the community has to attain.
